Sunday, April 10, 2011

Laser Pointer Serves as Rescue Equipment

More and more people are hoping to have a healthy lifestyle, so doing camp or hike becomes a fashionable activity to take part in. Except those ordinary things you need to take with yourselves, I recommend a portable gadget—a green laser pointer. High power laser pointer is so light and small; you can hike with them in your pockets and not even notice the weight. Personally, I like this advantage most.
Everything changes, as well as weather. You cannot always predict all sudden conditions, so we should prepare well in case we are involved in big trouble. There’s nothing worse than being stuck out in the middle of the bush during a windy and rainy day with wet matches and wet wood, you even have no tools to get warm! You are so helpless with nobody accompanies and the only thing can do is waiting and waiting. So here if you take a laser pointer

, it will play its critical role. High power laser can light a fire to keep you warm and heat food to eat. Also, laser with beam is visible for miles which can be used as signal for help in case you are lost or missed. I have seen a film said that a couple was trapped on the top of the mountain. When the rescue team came in a plane, the couple used a laser as a distress signal and finally being saved successfully.
On the other hand, from the policemen’s view, when there is emergency at night, they can use lasers as rescuing equipment to research for the injured or the lost. This can save the hunting time and enhance their efficiency greatly.
When you purchase laser pointers, you may be feeling puzzled for there are various colors and types. My suggestion is a green laser is OK, because the green color is most sensitive to human eyes. And try to choose a high power one due to the higher the power, the further you can see.

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