In modern days, stargazing with a laser pointer has become a usual thing for lots of people. Thousands of laser men and laser enthusiasts purchase laser gadgets to stargaze at night with their families or friends.
Laser pointer is indeed a useful tool in astronomical activities and you need to choose a proper one before stargazing. Humans’ eyes are most sensitive to green, so green laser gadgets become popular quickly among laser buyers. In addition, every type of green laser pointer has different output powers. For astronomy enthusiasts, lasers above 50mW are appropriate to observe stars and other celestial objects. And with the development of laser pointers in the astronomy field, there are already particular astronomy lasers in the market.
Applications of astronomy laser:
1. It can provide big help in astronomy teaching. The teachers just need to point the laser at a certain star or something else. It is a bit similar to the laser’s indicative function. It is quite convenient and practical. Thus, the astronomy laser can improve the efficiency of the lectures greatly.
2. Astronomy laser is held directly in the hands for stargazing. This is the most common application of the astronomy laser. It is easy to use and the operator just needs to open the switch and points the shining green beam to the aims. You no longer need to wave your arms or fingers laboriously to your companions. At the same time, the pointing is accurate and quickly. In conclusion, astronomy laser gadget is easy, quick and accurate.
3. Lasers can be mounted onto a telescope. The laser aligns the optical array when you use the telescope. The precise alignment of a telescope gives people the best focus and clearest image. What’s more, a perfectly aligned telescope can provide you with years of enjoyment and keep your children be interested in astronomy happily.
Astronomy lasers exactly bring enjoyment and convenience to people, yet the laser itself has the evil and dark side. As a matter of fact, laser pointers above 5mW are harmful to human eyes. Laser men need to take some protective measures in advance. For example, a pair of safety goggle is a useful gear to protect your eyes. Besides, serious damage may be caused once astronomy laser is pointed at the airplane. So any pointing at airplanes is dangerous and illegal.
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